Cracked Tooth Syndrome Goes Unseen

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You have cracked tooth syndrome when tiny cracks in teeth hide underneath the gums or go unseen by an x-ray. Those who clench their teeth or grind while sleeping are at risk of having this syndrome, as are those who are genetically disposed or have weakened teeth due to many previous dental procedures.

Your molars are the most probable candidates for cracked tooth syndrome because the lower take on the force and pressure of chewing.

Cracked tooth syndrome is challenging to diagnose due to the fact that you may not feel any symptoms for months at a time. The signs are similar to suffering from sensitive teeth where the enamel has worn thin. You will experience discomfort when you bite down in a specific way, and when your teeth are exposed to cold, hot or sweet food and drink. Pain may fluctuate between sharp and intense to mild discomfort, but there should not be a consistent ache as you would feel with a cavity.

Treatment for this syndrome is wide-ranging depending on the severity of the damage. The simplest fix is a cap or crown. A more problematic crack may require a root canal, and a serious problem may require removal of the offending tooth. In that case, an implant or bridge is necessary.

If you feel pain when you bite or chew, or suspect that you might have cracked tooth syndrome, Dr. Dennis Jenkins would be happy to see you for an evaluation. Call us with any questions at: 812-246-3386, or come in anytime at Designing Smiles PSC in Sellersburg, Indiana.