A Mandibular Advancement Device Helps Relieve Moderate Sleep Apnea Symptoms

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Sleep apnea symptoms, like snoring and breathing interruption, can be a significant problem for your sleep quality and overall quality of life. There are a wide range of options that can help mitigate sleep apnea symptoms. Medical diagnosis, such as a sleep study, will help determine the severity of your sleep apnea so you can find the most applicable treatment option.

People with severe sleep apnea may need to sleep with positive air pressure from a CPAP machine. Should you only have mild-to-moderate sleep apnea symptoms, you might find symptom relief from a prescription sleep guard provided by Dr. Dennis Jenkins.

A mandibular advancement device is one of the more popular sleep guard options. It is available in several different styles and designs. Most of them are hinged and attach to your teeth by some means. Each unit is designed to hold your mouth and soft palate in the ideal position to allow easy passage of air, thus reducing snoring problems.

You will need to clean and refresh the sleep guard each morning. This starts by thoroughly rinsing the unit to remove residual plaque. You should then brush it with a soft-bristled toothbrush and nonabrasive toothpaste. Be sure to thoroughly brush the hinges where plaque could potentially become trapped. If it needs further refreshing, you can briefly soak the mandibular advancement device in a mixture of water and antiseptic mouthwash.

The mandibular advancement device should then be dried with a clean paper towel and stored in the case provided.

If you live in the Sellersburg, Indiana, area and you have been struggling with sleep apnea, you should call 812-246-3386 to explore your sleep guard options at Designing Smiles PSC.