When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »
When was the last time you had a proper night’s sleep unimpeded by poor breathing that woke you up? If you can’t remember, you may have a condition called sleep apnea that causes sleep disruption. There are two common types of sleep apnea, and these are obstructive sleep apnea (an obstructed airway) and central sleep apnea (blocked brain signals that... read more »
Have you ever wondered why your mouth produces so much saliva? And it’s not just your mouth, either, but dogs too. What’s the deal with all this excess liquid? Well, the good news is that this production of saliva greatly benefits the health of your teeth, and your mouth. Once you understand how important saliva is in your everyday life,... read more »
Our dentist, Dr. Dennis Jenkins, encourages you to do everything you can to prevent dental problems. This is because dental problems can damage your smile and severely affect your oral health. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to prevent dental issues, and our dentist is happy to tell you all about them today. If possible, use these tricks... read more »
Several risks can arise to a teen’s oral health as the last of their teeth begin to grow in. During your teen years, your wisdom teeth will be the last adult teeth you ever receive. Once they are in place, you will need to make sure that your teeth are well taken care of, so they can last for several... read more »
Patients who struggle to maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine or who sometimes skip their regularly dental checkups are at increased risk of suffering a cavity. Early symptoms of tooth decay could include a minor change in the surface texture of the tooth, worsening sensitivity or a minor discoloration in the affected tooth enamel. If you have noticed a problem... read more »
Dental veneers are an effective and popular branch in the world of cosmetic dentistry. That is because of the wave of success dental veneers have had in recent years providing thousands with a flawless and beautiful smile. Specifically, dental veneers are essentially custom-made shells that are designed to cover the front of your existing natural tooth. These shells are used... read more »
Dental fillings are designed to last for many years. However, chronic inconsistencies in your oral hygiene routine can gradually start to demineralize the surrounding tooth enamel. This can start to weaken the area around the dental filling. As this starts to happen you might notice a gradual change in the surface texture of the tooth, as well as increasing sensitivity... read more »
In order to ensure your oral health care remains at its best, always seek out new and interesting ways to improve it. This includes adding alternative forms of cleaning to your daily dental routines, including chewing sugarless gum after meals. Ironically, chewing sugarless gum can prevent various forms of damage from occurring, and can even help your oral health care... read more »
Your smile often depends on cavity prevention to ensure your teeth and gums remain safe throughout your life. Dental erosion occurs due to plaque buildup and bacteria converting substances in your mouth into harmful acids that can chew threw tooth enamel. In order to protect your smile, these harmful acids must be neutralized or washed away. Effective cavity prevention begins... read more »